Commercial and Geographic Expansion

HIC is a global business with direct commercial operations, partners and distributors around the world.

We are seeking new business partners in other specialties interested in developing product extensions from our existing devices or sharing intellectual property on behalf of a product extension. Horizons’ regulatory certifications and approvals are geographically expansive and up to date. This enables the approval and registration process, to market our products in new geographies and to secure appropriate reimbursements. Our products are differentiated to enhance our customer offering.

Gastroenterology medical devices

Horizons International Corp is committed to designing instruments that advance the capture of cells and tissues needed to identify cancer and another gastro intestinal desease.

Pulmonary medical devices

Horizons International Corp  is committed to designing instruments that advance the capture of cells and tissues needed to identify Lung cancer and other pulmonary disease.

Message from our President & CEO

Though we are all living in the most challenging of moments, I am hopeful about our journey at Horizons’, standing on our pillars of listening, innovating and creating to save lives.

Rafic Saleh
President of Horizons International Corp


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